Friday, March 15, 2013 the first day of the rest of my life!

I just realized that I started this blog a long time ago and never did anything with it, so to celebrate the first day etc, I've decided to start blogging......Not that there is anything in my life worth blogging about or that anyone, anywhere would be interested in anything that I'd have to say but just a place for me to vent my feelings.  A place where I can step up on my soap box and rant and rave until I fall to the ground breathless. A place where I can share my happiest moments and my most disastrous failures, my favorite dreams and fantasies and my deepest darkest nightmares and secrets..........hmmmm, maybe I caught your attention......
so let's begin this journey, the one that will travel through the rest of my life and see what happens!!!
And if at the end of this journey, we have learned something, been made aware of something, shared a few laughs or even just an "hmmmmmmm," or two, well maybe we'll walk away with a little something that we didn't have before!
Please join me, please suggest and vent with me.....lets have some fun?


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